QUALI-PRO - Prodoxaben G - 50 lb

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Prodoxaben G is a selective combination pre-emergent herbicide for the control of grass and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrasses and other areas. Can be applied year round.

  • Broad spectrum weed control for established turfgrasses, lawns, and landscape ornamentals.
  • Stops weeds at germination - before they grow
  • Controls over 150 weeds
Use Sites: Established turfgrasses, lawns and ornamentals, conifer and hardwood seedling nurseries, non-crop areas
Effective Against Annual Bluegrass (Poa Annua), Barnyardgrass, Common Chickweed, Crowfootgrass, Wooly Cupgrass, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Henbit, Itchgrass, Johnsongrass (from seed), Knotweed, Lovegrass, Pigweed, Purslane, Rescuegrass, Sprangletop, Witchgrass, Yellow Woodsorrel, and more
Active Ingredients: 0.40% Prodiamine | 0.25% Isoxaben
Application: Use 3.4 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. One bag covers about 15,000 sq ft.