Albaugh - Imidacloprid 75WSP Select - 4 x 1.6 oz

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Imidacloprid 75WSP Select systemic insecticide provides long-lasting control on a broad spectrum of insect pests in turf, landscape ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, and interior plantscapes. With both curative and preventive action, it provides quick knockdown and superior control of pests such as white grubs, crane flies, leafminers, mealybugs, and more.

Active Ingredient Imidacloprid: 75%
Target pests White grubs, Crane Flies, Leafminers, Mealybugs, and many more are listed as pests on the label.
For use in Turf, Landscape Ornamentals, Fruit and Nut Trees, and Interior Plantscapes.
Application The application can be made by foliar application or soil applications including soil injection, drenches, and broadcast sprays.