Gowan - Eptam - 7E - 2.5 gal

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Eptam 7E herbicide provides excellent weed control in potatoes, beans (green or dry), alfalfa and other crops. It is a multiple crop herbicide for broadleaf and grass weed control.

  • PPI, PRE and POST application flexibility provides for season long control of the most difficult annual and perennial weeds
  • Weed control begins immediately when applied according to label
  • Performance not dependent on post-application rainfall
  • Allows for crop rotation and tank-mix flexibility
Active Ingredient EPTC: S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate: 87.8%
Target pests Crabgrass, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Johnsongrass, Witchgrass, Nightshade, Chickweed, Purslane, Pigweed, and more
For use in Alfalfa, Almonds, Beans, Citrus, Cotton, Potatoes, Sunflower, Tomatoes, Walnuts & more
Application Rate Mix 1-1/4 to 8-1/2 pints per acre. 1 - 6 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet