Nufarm - Tahoe 3A / Triclopyr - 2.5 gal- IVM

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  • Regular price $132.77
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  • Broad-spectrum control of many hard to control broadleaf weeds and brush
  • Low soil activity – rapidly degraded by soil microorganisms
  • Labeled for use in high volume, low volume and aerial applications
  • Tank-mix compatible
  • Rainfast within two hours
  • For use in or near sensitive areas
Active Ingredient Triclopyr (44.4%)
Application Use 1/3 to 1/2 gallons of this product for broadleaf weeds and 2-3 gallons for woody plants. Mix in 20 to 100 gallons of water per acre.
Target Pests Alder, Aspen, Bindweed, Birch, Canada Thistle, Clover, Maples, Oaks, Oxalis, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Plantain, Poplar, Ragweed, Sycamore, Willow, & more
Use Sites Labeled for use on industrial sites, rights-of way, non-crop areas, forests, wildlife openings and hayed or grazed areas on these sites