Hi-Yield - Killzall Aquatic Herbicide - qt.

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Killzall Aquatic Herbicide  is a non-selective weed and grass killer labeled for use in lakes, ponds and other non-crop sites. It controls annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds plus woody brush species listed on the label.

Labeled for annual and perennial weeds, woody brush and trees, aquatic and other new crop sites, wildlife habitat restoration and management areas, cut stump application plus control of winter annual weeds in dormant Bermuda Grass.

Formulation:  53.8% Glyphosate
Application Rate: One quart covers up to one acre. Works best with a spreader sticker.
Controls: Canadian Thistle, Chickweed, Dock, Foxtail, Pigweed, Ragweed, Water lettuce, Morningglory, Dandelion, Cattail, and more