HC Companies - PA.12000E22 - 12" Clay Panterra Pot - 58/Case

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Enhance the natural beauty of your plants with these charming "clay-look" textured pots. They are versatile and can be used as a grower or florist pot, or as a decorative cover for finished potted plants. Perfect for a variety of plant types including potted flowering plants, mixed annuals, foliage, garden mums, poinsettias, and colorful arrangements. These pots also feature a dual drain bottom for optimal drainage and aeration.

Outer Dimension 13 1/4 "
Inside Dimension 12 1/8 "
Height 9 1/2 "

Max Dry Cu. Inches 774.00
Max Liquid US 3.35 gal
Max Liquid Metric 12.68 L

Other Specifications
Material Type Polypropylene