Best - Micro Greens 15-5-8-5Fe - 50 lb

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Micro-Green® 15 contains a 100% available maintenance formulation of macronutrients. Consistent use will take the guesswork out of residual nitrogen and provide the nutrients needed to fight off disease. This cost-effective, micro-sized homogeneous fertilizer also contains sulfur, iron and zinc.

  • Small particle size (100 SGN) in a homogeneous greens grade fertilizer
  • 100% immediately available nutrients that waters in very quickly due to small particle size
  • Homogeneous fertilizer with all nutrients contained in each pellet including sulfur, iron and manganese


Total Nitrogen (N) 15.000%
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 5.000%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 8.000%
Iron (Fe) 5.000%
Manganese (Mn) 0.200%