Durvet - Ivermectin Sheep Drench - 960 ml

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Ivermectin Sheep Drench is a ready-to-use, free-flowing solution of ivermectin. Ivermectin Sheep Drench provides treatment and control of adult and fourth-stage larvae of the following parasites: Gastrointestinal Roundworms – Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia circumcincta, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, Cooperia curticei, Nematodirus spathiger, N. battus, and Oesophagostomum columbianum; Lungworms – Dictyocaulus filaria; and all the larval stages of Nasal Bot – Oestrus ovis. It also provides treatment and control of adult forms only of the following Gastrointestinal Roundworms – Haemonchus placei, Cooperia oncophora, Strongyloides papillosus, Oesophagostomum venulosum, Trichuris ovis, and Chabertia ovina.

  • Unique chemistry-unrelated to existing formulations - Ivermectin Sheep Drench is chemically different, cross-resistance is unlikely in parasite strains which may have developed resistance to other wormers.
  • Broad-spectrum effectiveness - One low-volume dose effectively treats and controls many gastrointestinal roundworms (including Haemonchus contortus), lungworms, and nasal bots.
  • Easy administration - Can be administered orally with any standard drenching equipment or any equipment that provides a consistent dose volume.

Not available for sale or shipment to California residents.

**Warning! Not safe or approved for human use, which could cause severe personal injury or death.