Sand - Rid - 5 lb

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Sand Rid is an apple and molasses flavored 100% psyllium pellet with high swell volume to help encapsulate and remove sand and dirt from the intestinal tract. It supports healthy gut function to help reduce the possibility of sand colic.

  • Psyllium will encapsulate sand and dirt to help in removal and to aid in the prevention of sand colic
  • Horses love the apple and molasses flavor
  • Pelleted and easy to feed as a top dress or fed alone

Best fed one week per month as a purge to remove dirt and sand from the gut in volume. This bulk forming fiber laxative of psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid should be part of your regular equine preventative care program.

ADULT HORSE (1,000lbs.): Administer 1 to 1.5 scoops daily for one full week (7 days) out of every month. Give less to ponies, yearlings and foals; more to larger horses and draft breeds. Can be given during or after meal time. Scoop included equals 5.2 ounces.

4 per case