Elanco - Virashield 6 + VL5 HB - 50 dose

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Protect your cows and calves against six different respiratory and reproductive diseases including five strains of Leptospirosis, and Hardjo-Bovis with Virashield 6+ VL5 HB. This killed virus and bacterin is for use in healthy breeding cattle as an aid in the prevention of diseases caused by IBR, PI3, BRSV, cytopathic and noncytopathic BVD Type 1, noncytopathic BVD Type 2; Vibrio (Campylobacter fetus), the 5 most common strains of Lepto, and hardjo-bovis. For use in all classes of cattle, including pregnant cows, heifers and calves nursing pregnant cows. Vaccinate dairy cows during the dry off period.

5 ml subcut (under the skin) 2-4 weeks prior to breeding, revaccinate with Vira Shield 6 in 4-5 weeks. Revaccinate annually.
Killed Vaccine. No mixing required. Safe for pregnant cows.
Treats IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, Vibrio, 5 strains of Lepto and L. hardjo-bovis