Elanco - Scourbos 9 - 10 dose

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For use in healthy pregnant cattle as an aid in the prevention of disease and scours in calves caused by Bovine Rotavirus, Coronavirus, Clostridium perfringens Type C, and K99 E. coli. Scour Bos 9 has nine antigens in each dose to provide broad-spectrum protection. It  is approved for use up to 16 weeks prior to calving, providing the longest vaccination window of any scours vaccine. This vaccine treats:

  • Coronavirus
  • Clostridium Perfringens Type C
  • Four isolates of K99 E. coli
  • Three strains of rotavirus: G6, G8, G10

DIRECTIONS: Shake well before using. Administer 2 mL intramuscularly in the neck 8-16 weeks prior to calving. Revaccinate with (Scour Bos® 4) 4 weeks prior to calving. Revaccinate with one dose of (Scour Bos® 9) 8-10 weeks prior to each subsequent calving.

Year 1:
• Give an initial dose of Scour Bos 9 up to 16 weeks pre-calving
• Follow with a dose of Scour Bos 4, four weeks pre-calving
Year 2 and beyond:
• Give a Scour Bos 9 booster dose 8-10 weeks pre-calving
• No need to booster cows again if they haven’t calved within 40 days
of their last dose