4 Step Fertilizer Program

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Our custom four step fertilizer program will ensure your lawn is looking great in only four applications. Each bag covers 10,000 square feet of lawn. Generally, we suggest waiting six to eight weeks between each step of our program. When you purchase the full program, you will get a bag of Humates for free!

Step 1 This 20-2-5 spring fertilizer includes a preemergent herbicide to prevent weeds from sprouting.
Step 2 Our 24-3-6 summer blend has slow release nitrogen to feed your lawn without burning it in the heat. 
Step 3 You will apply our 24-3-6 summer blend twice in the summer to keep your lawn healthy all summer.
Step 4 The 20-3-10 fertilizer is the last step to apply to your lawn in the fall. It has the right nutrients to keep your lawn healthy during dormancy.
Humates This FREE bag of Humates can be used any time to help promote soil activity and healthy roots.