Fence, The Original Texas Fence Fixer

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  • Regular price $109.46
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The Original Texas Fence Fixer makes fixing fences quick and easy. It works with barbed wire, electric fence wire, horse fencing, or net wire fence, and will work on 16 ga and up to 12.5 ga Hi-Tensile and Mild Steel wire. With the Texas Fence Fixer, a repair can normally be done in approximately 60 seconds.

Use anywhere along the fence line that needs to be stretched and the result is a neat, tight wire. No need to remove staples or tie wires. The tool has two hinges that are indented; you place the fence to be tightened into those slots, grab another slice of wire tightening them on both ends with a small leverage hole available in the middle. Take your pliers or fence tool and rotate (circle) around. This pulls the wire tight and your fence is stretched.