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  • Regular price $217.70
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Tall fescue is one of the most drought, heat, and wear tolerant species. Due to its large and deep root system, it is able to take up water in dry periods when other grasses have stopped their growth. It stays green in dry summer periods and tolerates high temperatures. Use this grass seed with or without bluegrass for sod, lawns, and sports fields from South to North.

The leaf texture is rather coarse compared to other turf grasses, but new varieties have narrower leaves and density. The leaf color of tall fescue is normally dark green. Winterhardiness varied depending on the type. Mediterranean types are less winter hardy, but continental types have good winterhardiness. Tall fescue establishes quickly, but not quite as fast as perennial ryegrass. The disease tolerance is very high. 

Establishment: 10 to 14 Days

*Bag patterns and colors may vary. All seed sales are final.