Pickseed - Micro Clover (coated) - lb

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  • Regular price $32.15
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Micro-clover is added to grass mixtures to help the soil retain more moisture during dry spells. It provides an organic source of nitrogen to support turfgrass growth with added disease and weed resistance. Micro-clover is a viable, cost-effective solution for low maintenance lawns. Micro-clover seed is made up of very small, white clovers providing all the benefits of traditional clover with additional advantages.

Microclover converts nitrogen into a usable form of natural fertilizer for grass and also acts as a canopy protecting against weed establishments such as dandelions, resulting in an attractive and healthy lawn. Because micro-clover may be applied at lower rates than conventional grass seed mixtures, it is more affordable and gives any outdoor area an enhanced look and feel. It also helps to minimize fertilization requirements for your lawn. 

Apply 1/2 to 1 pound per 1,000 sq feet. 

*All seed sales are final.