Ultra Tech Medium(coarse) Vermiculite - 4.0 cu. ft.

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Horticultural vermiculite is a natural ‘wicking’ mineral. The vermiculite granules attract and hold ammonium, potassium, calcium and magnesium needed for the growing plants. Additionally, the vermiculite/peat mixture provides excellent aeration and retention of plant food and moisture. The growing plants take what they need (food, air, water, minerals), when they need it from the vermiculite granules, thus less maintenance for the grower and healthier plants with higher yields.

Because the vermiculite granules can soak up to over three times its original volume in water it can be a very useful component in a passive hydroponics system that does not utilize pumps or other devices to force the nutrient solution to flow. Additionally, it is perfect for seed germination and cutting propagation. Grade V3

  • Excellent buffering for the root zone.
  • Holds moisture and nutrients for later use.
  • Supplies the roots with plenty of oxygen so growing plants are stronger, healthier, and have higher yields.
  • Clean, odorless, non-toxic, and completely sterile–no bacterial or fungal infections to worry about.

Sold by the bag. 39 per pallet