Peppy Hen #3 Layer-Developer Granite Peppy-Grit 25 lb.

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Chicken Chompers Grit = Nature’s Chicken Teeth

Everybody knows chicken have no teeth! Their gizzards use large, insoluble grit to grind feed and slow down digestion, resulting in much better use of feed.

Chicken Chompers Grit works like nature’s chicken teeth. It’s rough enough to quickly grind any feed and large enough to remain trapped in the gizzard. Most grit at feed stores is way too small for layers. Layers need grit that’s around 5mm in size.

Like any muscle, chicken gizzards need exercise and development. Grit-fed gizzards are 50-100% larger and stronger than those deprived grit. No wonder grit-fed hens produce 20% or more from the same feed. A little Chicken Chompers Grit goes a long way - an average hen will consume about 5 pounds per year. A 25# bag should be enough for a flock of 5 for about a year.