Delta - Challenger - TS8 - Front - 00 - Pair

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  • Regular price $5.51
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Salt Lake City - Sold out
4215 S 500 W Murray, UT 84123-1335
Caldwell - Sold out
3801 U.S. 20 Caldwell, ID 83605
Burley - Sold out
1184 East Main Street Burley, ID 83318
Logan - Sold out
91 E 2440 N North Logan, Utah 84341
Spanish Fork - Sold out
721 South Main Street Spanish Fork, UT 84660
Richfield - Sold out
789 East 300 North Richfield, UT 84701
Delta - Sold out
69 North 300 West Delta, UT 84624
St George - In-stock
725 Industrial Road St. George, UT 84770

We challenge you to find better all around turned steel horseshoes with truer fit, longer wear, and greater performance in both front and hind patterns. Their full toes simply last longer, their balanced shape means less time on the anvil, they relieve pressure on the sole and the nail holes are perfect for thin walled hooves. The added benefits of the TS8 are an even thicker and slightly wider horseshoe for great support and protection of the hoof.

Delta Challenger Shoe features:
· Turned Steel shoe made in Europe
· Accurate shape for true fit
· Full toes for longer wear
· Built-in sole relief for less time on the anvil
· Nail hole placement perfect for thin walled hooves

Delta Challenger shoes are punched for CH5 Nail


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