Dow - Delegate WG - 26 oz

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With Delegate WG insecticide at the core of a pome and stone tree fruit insecticide rotational program, producers can stop harmful insects, such as Oriental fruit moth, leafroller, thrips, apple maggot, spotted wing drosophila (SWD) and plum curculio — all with minimal impact to beneficials.

  • Delegate WG insecticide provides a unique mode of action in insecticide rotations because the active ingredient, spinetoram, is the only IRAC Group 5 insecticide.

  • Delivering fast knockdown and long-lasting codling moth control, Delegate also controls a broad spectrum of key pests, including Oriental fruit moth, leafroller, thrips and leafminer — and even the devastating SWD.

  • Delegate offers a convenient four-hour re-entry interval, as well as preharvest intervals as short as two days for flexible harvesting.

 Controls: Armyworm, Borer, Casebearer, Caterpillar, Corn Borer, Curculio, Cutworm, Drosphilia, Fruit Fly, Fruitworm, Leaffolder, Leafminer, Leafroller, Looper, Maggot, Midge, Moth, Psyllid, Thrips, Webworm
Active Ingredient: Spinetoram 25.0%
Use On: Pear trees, Walnut trees, Stone fruits including Peach trees, Plum trees, Cherry trees, and more
Application: 1.5-7 ounces per acre