Valent - Piper Herbicide - 3.75 lb

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Piper Herbicide provides an excellent tool for DOT managers and others to keep those unwanted weeds and grasses from growing in your driveway, bareground sites, industrial sites, railroad tracks, and road sides. Piper is a water dispersible granule that stays where it is sprayed, it does not runoff or move down slope like other ground sterilizers.

  • Controls Italian ryegrass and other winter annual weeds: reduces mowing costs
  • Releases desirable bermudagrass and bahiagrass: reduces soil erosion
  • Improves resistance management: two modes of action to help control ALS-resistant Italian ryegrass
  • Wide application window: long-lasting pre-emergence and early post-emergence control
Active Ingredients:  flumioxazin (33.5%), pyroxasulfone (42.5%)
Controls: Barnyardgrass, Dandelion, Crabgrass, Foxtail,Puncturevine, Russian thistle, and more
Application: Apply 6 - 10 oz with 100 gallons of water per acre