Custom Lawn Care Program
As a homeowner, having a beautiful lawn will be one of your biggest accomplishments. It can take a lot of work to get your lawn looking its best and it takes even more work to keep it looking good throughout the year. But with Steve Regan's custom lawn care program you can have the best lawn in the neighborhood.
Our custom four step fertilizer program will ensure your lawn is looking great in only four applications. Our fertilizers are specially formulated for soil in Utah and Idaho. They have extra sulfur to drive down the pH level of our high alkaline soils. Our fertilizer also has extra iron in it to keep your lawn green. Follow these steps for a healthy and beautiful lawn.
Step One
You will want to apply the first step of Steve Regan's program before the temperature gets to about 60 degrees and the lawn starts truly growing. This fertilizer will be used to "wake up" your lawn so it is ready for the growing season. Generally, we recommend applying before Easter regardless of weather conditions. The Turf Maker 20-3-10 Fertilizer provides just the right amount of nutrients to get your lawn off to a strong start as the weather warms. You may also want to apply our 20-2-5 fertilizer with pre-emergent herbicide to kill crabgrass and other weeds before they can take over your lawn.
Step Two
As the weather warms during May to June you will want to apply the second stage of fertilizer. You can plan on applying this around Memorial Day. With the heat of the summer hitting your lawn, you will want to apply this nutrient rich mix to keep your lawn green. Slow release fertilizer is good at this time of year since it is less likely to burn the grass during times of excessive heat. We recommend the Turf Maker 24-3-6 which is a custom blend for the Intermountain area.
Step Three
As the Summer starts winding down in August and September it is time for the third stage of Steve Regan's lawn care program. This is a good time to replenish the nutrients that were used up by the lawn over the summer. The extra iron in our fertilizer will ensure your lawn will stay green as the summer ends. We recommend reapplying the Turf Maker 24-3-6 to keep you lawn at its best through the rest of the summer.
Step Four
Even though your lawn quits growing in the Fall, it is a vital time to fertilize your lawn. This is because you are feeding your lawn as it goes dormant for the Winter and laying a foundation for your lawn to start off right next Spring. During October or November, you should lay down Step Four of our lawn care program. Turf Maker's 20-3-10 fertilizer will give your lawn the nutrients it needs, such as extra potassium, which will strengthen the lawn for the Fall and Winter months.
Other Options
We know that no two lawns are the same which, is why Steve Regan includes other options such as SRC 20-2-5 and SRC 22-4-4 in our lawn care program. Both of these include preemergent weed killers and are a great option to use for step one in the Spring time. This will allow you to fertilize your yard and prevent weeds with the same application, saving you time and money. If you are planting new seed, you may want to use 16-16-8 fertilizer for your first step. If you're really struggling with weeds, you may want to use weed and feed for your second or third step. We also offer a free bag of Humates with the purchase of our full program which helps improve soil conditions in your lawn.
Grow Your Lawn
Whether you have a small patch of lawn or acres of grass, Steve Regan is here to help. All of our fertilizers in our lawn care program are easy to apply. You will simply spread the granules over your lawn at an even rate and then water as normal to work the fertilizer into your lawn. Generally, we suggest waiting six to eight weeks between each step of our program. If you have questions about what fertilizers to use and when to apply them, give us a call at 801-268-4500 and one of our gardening specialists can help you out! Get the full program here!